Monday, July 2, 2007

Why I am Not an Atheist

1) Just a Few of the Many Reasons Why I Have Questioned the Existence of God

I believe everyone at some point in their lives asks the question, “Does God exist?” I certainly have asked myself this question, and not just once, but many, many times.

I cannot imagine anyone who is seeking to obtain a college degree in biology, like I did, who does not have to ask themselves this question, especially in light of the fact that the Theory of Evolution is the basis of modern biology. Anyone who seriously studies the Theory of Evolution will discover that it is based entirely upon naturalistic philosophy and was championed by men, like Charles Darwin, Stephen Jay Gould, Francis Crick, etc. who openly admitted their bias toward pushing a naturalistic philosophy without any room for the possibility of the existence of God.

Also, I was raised in the Christian faith, so growing up I had embraced the faith of my parents without much questioning at first, because as a child I had a relationship of love, trust, and security with my parents, which they had earned from me in some degree. I also had personal experiences while growing up in which the only explanation that I could ascribe to my experiences was a divine hand intervention on my behalf or on the behalf of others. As I grew older, more mature, more educated, I began to explore this question more in depth.

Another reason I questioned the existence of God was that I have seen things in this world that I could only describe as “evil.” Seeing such evil things in this world makes one question the existence of God, especially a perfect, holy, and good God.

The final reason I am sharing with you is that I have experienced great depression, loss, and pain in my life and when you go through such deep, dark places it causes you to question God and to question His very existence. I was twelve years old when I experienced my first bout of deep depression.

2) What is Atheism?

Atheism is the absolute denial of the existence of God or any gods. It is a Greek word in origin, meaning “no God”, the “A” stands for “no” and “theist” for “God.”

3) The Reason Why I am Not an Atheist

Since Atheism is the absolute denial of the existence of God or any gods, then to be an Atheist one would have to have absolute knowledge of this universe and everything contained within and without in order to be able to make the claim they are truly an Atheist. I am not willing to be so arrogant and so foolish to make the ridiculous claim that I know everything to there is to know about this universe in order to refute the existence of God or any other gods. This is why the bible says that the person who claims there is no God is a fool, because of the arrogance of making that very claim.

Psalm 53:1 “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God,’…”

The honest, humble, and more thoughtful person who doubts the existence of God or any gods, will not call themselves Atheists at all, but will call themselves, “Agnostic.” I remember when I did not fully understand and appreciate the difference between what is an Atheist and what is an Agnostic. It was when I was in college at Mississippi State University and I was a roommate with Todd Hoff at 54 Arbor Acres. At that time Todd was an adamant Agnostic and was adamant that no one could ever know, with any certainty, whether God existed or not.

Well, the next question you will be asking is why am I not an Agnostic?


LHL said...

Thanks for the info about the Wainwright charges. You make a good point about multiple charges, but the newspapers keep saying that posting Internet threats carries a sentence of between 5 and 20 years, implying that even one count can get you 20 years. At least that's how I've read the stories.

LHL said...

I've been thinking about these theological/scientific questions lately. I've come to the conclusion that "God" is love and vice versa. I no longer believe in a bearded man in the sky who keeps accounts of every right and wrong, etc.--if I ever believed that.

I think that "love your neighbor as yourself" is a good idea whether there's a "God" or not--in other words, to me, morality is "God."